Nearly half of all colleges and universities nationwide choose RedShelf to help them evolve swiftly and effectively in the digital age—by providing digital textbooks through their Point-of-Sale (bookstore) or through an automatic-delivery Inclusive Access or Equitable Access model.
Offering best-in-class digital course materials, an end-to-end Content Delivery System for efficiently distributing those materials, and wholly unmatched customer support, we are a comprehensive partner for digital transformation.

Our Award-Winning Digital Course Materials
Improve affordability while enhancing the learning experience.
Our vast catalog includes nearly a million dynamic digital titles (both eBooks and courseware) from more than 10,000 publishers and content creators. That means we'll almost always have the titles you're looking for. And when we don't, we can typically obtain it in short order.
All of our eBooks are delivered on the award-winning RedShelf eReader, packed with built-in study tools and industry-leading accessibility features for students with disabilities. By upgrading to RedShelf Classroom, your instructors can personalize and enhance their adopted eBooks even further by embedding notes, quizzes, discussions, and multimedia to increase engagement, assess comprehension, and inform classroom instruction.

Anywhere Access, Any Device
Keyword Search
Note-Taking & Sharing
Study Guide Builder
Flashcard Creator
Text-to-Speech (Read Aloud)
Assessment Features
Usage Analytics
Our End-to-End Distribution Software
Streamline every step in your course material operations.
Known as our Content Delivery System, our end-to-end distribution software simplifies the many complex workflows involved in acquiring, pricing, selling, delivering, and billing for textbooks and course materials. The various features and tools within the platform may be used a la carte or as a comprehensive solution—flexibly expanding right along with your vision and needs.
Stakeholder Communications
Faculty Adoptions
Publisher Pricing Requests
Inclusive Access and Equitable Access Administration
In-Store and Online Selling
Materials Delivery/Access
Student Invoicing
Publisher Billing & Reconciliation
Business Analytics

A Win-Win for Institutions & Students

Improves Access & Equity
More affordable than print; guaranteed first-day access for every student; built-in accessibility for students with disabilities; ability to read online or offline

Enhances Learning & Engagement
Built-in study tools (e.g. flashcards, study guide builders), plus option to embed quizzes, multimedia, and more

Provides a More Positive Student Experience
Uninterrupted learning on-campus or remote; instant access from any device; option for automatic delivery right through the LMS

Drives Operational Efficiency
Unlimited inventory; streamlined administrative processes; turnkey system integrations

Delivers Powerful New Data & Insights
Student usage data such as reading time and comprehension; aggregated, real-time business analytics across sales channels; and more

Supports Financial Sustainability
90+% average sell-through via Inclusive Access and Equitable Access, keeping critical textbook revenue on campus

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Learn More?
To explore how RedShelf can help your institution adapt and thrive in the digital age, click below to request a complimentary consultation and demo.